Saturday, March 13, 2010

How it all comes together

So, this is what I can state with some confidence will have some slight relation to what my final paper may be on:

WATCO: Parental Criticism on Disney's animated movie output

Claim: Parental criticism has made Disney's animated movie output less proactive

Reason: Because parental criticism sets strict standards that do not tolerate any deviation from expectation.

Assumtion: Whatever sets strict standards that do not tolerate any deviation from expectation makes the subject of its criticism less proactive.

Audience: Mostly the parents who are always so ready to crticize Disney for any little thing it does wrong.  Being ready to fly off the handle makes it less likely that Disney will do good things in its movies.  It is getting skittish, and will bow to popular demand.  It is especially annoying when people find so many faults with the older Disney movies.  They were made a log time ago, and had to respond to the critiques of parents in their own time.  Disney is getting so attuned to popular sentiment that their movies will be obsolete in just a few years.  This is not good.  We should focus criticizing their over-all themes that will always be wrong, no matter what year it is.  We should not focus on the little things that do not really matter.

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